How do all of the UM Boards work? What are their different roles?
The University of Montevallo Board of Trustees is the governing body of the institution. As provided by the Code of Alabama, the UM Board of Trustees is comprised of the following members:
- The governor of Alabama, who is president ex officioof the Board
- The state superintendent of education, ex officio
- Eleven other trustees (one from each congressional district and others from the state at large). Trustees are appointed by the governor and approved by the Alabama Senate. They serve staggered terms of 12 years, with the Board divided into three classes, as nearly equal as possible, in order that one third may be appointed quadrennially.
- A student trustee, ex officio,recommended by the UM Student Government Association.
Duties of the UM Board of Trustees include selection of a president, approval of the budget, the securing of adequate financial resources, the establishment of broad institutional policy, and support of the administrative and educational functions of the institution and those officers and employees responsible for them.
The University of Montevallo Foundation operates to advance the mission of the University of Montevallo in all of its educational, instructional, service, charitable, and outreach endeavors. The primary purpose of the Foundation is to receive, solicit, accept, hold, administer, use, invest, endow, and disburse private philanthropic gifts, bequests, devises, and all types of property for the exclusive benefit of the University.
The University of Montevallo Foundation was established in December 1973 as a non-profit corporation operating in accordance with the provisions of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. As such, the Foundation Board will operate with the highest possible degree of skill and integrity to safeguard the resources entrusted to its stewardship and care.
Committees of the Foundation Board include: executive committee, nominating committee, investment committee, distribution committee, audit committee and development committee. (Note: The Foundation’s Distribution Committee and the Finance Committee of the National Alumni Association shall manage the allocation process of mini-grants and are designated as the Joint Distribution Committee.)
The University of Montevallo National Alumni Association (UMNAA), organized in 1902, is the primary contact for Montevallo alumni with their alma mater.
The UMNAA Board is the body representative of all alumni of the University of Montevallo. The mission of the Association is to serve as the primary and principal organization to:
- enhance alumni ties to and support of the University;
- promote active and effective participation of alumni in the Association and the University; and
- advocate, promote, and support the University of Montevallo and its unique mission to be a vital part of Alabama’s future.
The UMNAA Bylaws:
The mission of the UMNAA Junior Board of Directors is to foster interaction between the University of Montevallo and those who have graduated from the University in the past fifteen years.
In accordance with the University of Montevallo National Alumni Association’s mission and purpose, the purposes of this board shall be to primarily support the needs and wants of young alumni of the University of Montevallo, and shall include:
- Serve and support alumni who have graduated from the University within the last 15 years with programs and activities that are uniquely tailored to their needs;
- Integrate recent graduates into the Alumni Association;
- Foster communication between the University and its recent graduates; and
- Encourage recent graduates to contribute their time, talent, and financial resources to the continued enhancement of the University community.
Jr. Board Bylaws: